Text A - Comprehensive Exercises - Exercise One

There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one that best fits into the passage.

Would you like to improve your professional skills from the comfort of your home or get a college degree without setting foot 1) campus? Sound 2) good to be true? There are now thousands of online classes 3) on the World Wide Web and that number will soon mushroom into tens of thousands.

For decades, students have 4) distance learning to further their educational goals. From correspondence courses to tele-classes, distance learning has served the needs of people who cannot physically attend classes. 5) the explosion of information technology and the Internet, you can now have a 6) classroom right on your desktop. 7) , to take a course you need only your computer, a web browser and Internet 8) .

Typically, online classes are targeted to working adults ¡ª people who want to get an advanced degree or 9) new skills for their jobs, but don't have time to 10) attend classes. It works best for people who are self-motivated, enjoy working alone at their computer and feel comfortable using technology. Beyond that, it's just one of those things you have to try.

1) A) in B) on C) at D) to
2) A) so B) much C) too D) such
3) A) available B) achievable C) approachable D) accomplishable
4) A) turned to B) turned in C) turned on D) turned up
5) A) In B) At C) Of D) With
6) A) real B) virtual C) true D) actual
7) A) In most cases B) Under most cases C) On most cases D) At most cases
8) A) access B) means C) link D) connect
9) A) learn B) give C) make D) earn
10) A) regular B) regularly C) usual D) usually