Further Study - Reading - Practice

Skim the following article and answer the questions:
1. According to the title, what is the article mainly about?
2. After reading the first paragraph, do you know what will be talked about in the following paragraphs?
3. Read the first sentences of paragraphs 2 to 6. From these sentences, what can we learn about online learning?
4. What are the key points for online learning?
5. What's the main idea of the article?
Successful Online Learning

In this issue, I will provide a short overview of the differences between online and traditional courses, and recommend some tips for success with online courses.

What are the differences between online and traditional courses? The outcomes and objectives of online courses are the same as traditional courses; the only difference is the method of delivery.

In a traditional class, you meet with the instructor and other students at a specific time two or three times a week in a classroom, lab, or lecture hall. Once there, you can sit or sleep through the lecture or presentation. Online courses offer you the opportunity to connect at whatever time fits your busy schedule. You log in to your course at times that you choose and participate in discussions and group work when it is most convenient for you.

In online courses, most communication is conducted via the posting of messages. The originator (发件人) does not know when the recipients (收件人) will be reading the posting or when a response will be forthcoming. This offers everyone the chance to think and reflect on the original posting before responding.

The freedom of not having to attend a regularly scheduled class can sometimes be the downfall of an online student. It is easy to put off logging in and reading postings from your instructor and your classmates and contributing your own thoughts. Remember, even with an online course you have assignment and project deadlines. In the virtual (虚拟的) classroom, students and the instructor come and go at all hours. Not having a regularly scheduled class with an instructor can be disconcerting (令人不安的) for students new to this kind of environment.

All this points to the need for time management skills. Developing time management skills is a necessity and cannot be over-emphasized. To be successful in online learning requires active participation and a commitment (投入) of time, energy, and self-discipline. 

  Here are some key points:
PARTICIPATE. In the online environment, no one can see you sitting in your seat. To make your presence known, you need to participate. Participation in an online course is accomplished through the posting of discussion messages and assignments. Communicating your thoughts with others is key to building a community. 
BE PERSISTENT. If you have any difficulties or problems, don't wait! Most problems are easily solved, but we have to hear from you before we can help. 
THINK BEFORE YOU SEND. The online environment allows you to reflect on ideas of your own and of others. Unlike email, where you usually respond off the top of your head, online discussions are more professional. Reflect on the ideas of others, and then contribute your ideas to the group.
SHARE TIPS, HELP, and QUESTIONS. For many of us, participating in online courses is a new frontier. There are no dumb questions, and even if you think your question or solution is apparent, please share it. Others in the class will appreciate it.